Monday 4 April 2011

The World in my hands/ The weight of the World

This drawing was inspired by the Greek Myth were the Titan Atlas was punished by Zeus to carry the world or heavens on his shoulders for eternity. This drawing can be read in two ways. Firstly it could represent hope. No one can control our destiny or fate, we are the ones who decide our lives for ourselves. Yesterday is in the past and that can never be altered, however there is always a tomorrow and the future is constantly changing depending on our decisions. Isn't it interesting to think of it as 'the world is in our hands'? The second way to read this picture is that most of the time we carry 'the weight of the world' on our shoulders. I'm always worrying about one thing after the other whether it's about money, family, friends or the future, there's always something to worry about or some problem to overcome. However, it only when we encounter problems, worry about them, cry or laugh about them and eventually solve them that we can truly say that we are alive and living our lives. We make mistakes, learn from them and eventually teach the younger generations not to repeat the same mistakes. Perhaps the weight of the world or life is a heavy burden to carry but at the end of the day it's worth it since all hard work is rewarded one day.

The girl who is carrying the world is actually Sailor Moon from the Japanese anime. It is a bit random but the picture was originally going to be a painting of her. I didn't colour her in because I wanted my audience to mainly focus on the world and the fact that she's simply carrying it in her hands. I also think it adds a gentle and perhaps even a positive feeling to the drawing.

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