Monday 21 March 2011

Sainte Victoire by Paul Cezanne

This image was introduced to me by my University lecturer. To be honest at first glance, it doesn't leave an impression of any sort, however, at closer inspection, you realise that a lot of work has gone into it. The use of vivid green and the use of darker tones at the front  make the woodlands stand out, whilst the use of yellow indicated either villages or mountain land. Cezanne has created a wonderful balance using different shapes, brush strokes and colours and overall it gives the painting a serene and peaceful feeling. You could, however, interpret this in another way, for example, the calm before a storm. I say this because of the use of darker colours surrounding Mont Sainte-Victoire. The different brush strokes don't allow the reader to keep their eyes steady, they are continuously roaming over the painting. This technique makes the looming mountain in the background stand out even more.

Whilst writing this blog my opinion of the painting gradually changed. at first I thought that it was simply a painting that gave its reader a calm feeling. Now, however, I think that Cezanne tried to convey a number of different feelings and perhaps even messages. Ironically, this painting was created because Cezanne saw this scenery everyday from his house and so it became the subject of a number of his paintings.

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